The other cuts, too, are nothing short of a sonic extravaganza. Another one is the cut “Diamond in the Back”. R&B fans will immediately notice a liberal sampling of some classic R&B tunes such as the Isaac Hayes arrangement of “Walk on By”. It is replete with head boppin’, toe tappin’, *SLAMMIN’*, and most importantly, rhythmic melodies. But there is no denying that the music (sans the lyrics) is very well done. And to that end I could never “recommend” this disc.

To say that this disc has explicit content is an emphatic understatement.
#Ludacris chicken n beer zip zip
Let me rest assure that I would never play this disc with my wife anywhere in the zip code, let alone in the house. So, I gave Ludacris: Chicken & Beer a try. A complete classical piece was not an option this evening.
#Ludacris chicken n beer zip windows
Also, with out-of-town guests floating in and out there have only been limited windows of opportunity for me to listen when the house is largely empty. (I have found a couple of other “unintended” SACDs around the house such as “Get Lifted” by John Legend). I happened upon the Ludacris: Chicken & Beer disc because one of my sons had it and I noticed that it was not only an SACD but that it was multi-channel to boot. But it might not be my last (except that it may not be another SACD like this). If you list out the previous SACDs for which I have posted reviews you will find nothing like this disc. I don’t recall ever posting about an SACD remotely close to this genre: Hip Hop. I would estimate that 80% of my listening is to classical music with most of the remainder being jazz.